Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Iowa Caucus & New Hampshire Primary

Being the political junkie that I am, I stayed up until 2:30 AM the night of the Iowa caucus until we FINALLY found out who the winner was after all of the confusion and back and forth... and probably one of the closest elections ever.

Eight votes separated the first (Romney) and second (Santorum) place last week, yet people still argue that they don't bother voting because their ONE vote doesn't count? Really? If I could earn a dollar for every time I hear that... I wouldn't need to be looking for a job.

Here's to hoping that the New Hampshire primary tonight is as exciting as the Iowa caucus was. I LOVE election season!


M Pax said...

Politics can be very fascinating. Onto Florida!

Summaiyah Hyder said...

Yes, it can be! I especially love election cycles!

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