Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tim Russert's Memorial Service

This afternoon was the memorial service that MSNBC held in memory of Tim Russert. Tim Russert's son, Luke, also spoke. Tim Brokaw, Brian Williams, Maria Shriver, and Luke Russert were just four of the ten speakers who spoke in the service.

Here are the links to watch most of the speakers from the memorial service from this afternoon:

Tom Brokaw:

Betsy Fischer:

Sister Socciarelli:

Mike Barnacle:

Brian Williams:

Doris Goodwin:

and finally, Luke Russert:

In addition, make what you want of it .. but the service ended with the song "Over the Rainbow".. and ironically enough, as everyone was leaving the service... there was a rainbow awaiting them.


Anonymous said...

Who cares? He was just another Democratic shill, not Mother Teresa.

Anonymous said...

Another great set of tribute videos are collected on a charity-driven memorial webstie.

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