Wednesday, August 20, 2008

As the V.P. Announcement Nears...

On a funny note: In light of all the attention and speculation on who would be Obama's V.P pick, I read on CNN this morning ago that:

[Because] Everyday seems to be "the day," the day the guessing game will finally end.

In a poke at all of the VP buzz, the Obama campaign sent an e-mail to reporters Wednesday with the subject line "Vice presidential ..."

The first line of the e-mail: "Just kidding."

The e-mail contained details about Obama's schedule with no mention of any of the potential vice presidential candidates.
McCain is expected to announce his V.P candidate on August 29th, which is also his birthday apparently.

Click here to read the original article.

For the republican convention: Rudy Giuliani is giving the keynote address; on Thursday, a video will introduce McCain before he delivers his acceptance speech... which I find weird... a person should do it!

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